11th August 2021
«Solidarity, commitment and trust»
Kilchberger Gemeindeblatt (in German) (654 KB)
22nd June 2021
«How to teach capitalists green investments?»
Annabelle Magazine June 2021 (in German) (1.4 MB)
10th April 2021
«CO2 savings are counted several times»
Finanz und Wirtschaft April 2021 (in German) (465 KB)
25th March 2021
«Sustainable equity benchmarks: Details matter»
Schweizer Personalvorsorge (in German) (522 KB)
5th March 2021
«Step by step for the climate»
WWF Regional Magazin Zurich 01/2021 (in German) (185 KB)
21st February 2021
«Nestle to become greener»
SonntagsZeitung from February 21st, 2021 (in German) (875 KB)
4th January 2021
«Achieving sustainable returns»
Magazin 50Plus (in German) (843 KB)
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