Pension Funds
Forma Futura offers individualized asset management services to pension funds. The pension fund's assets are invested so that they have two positive outcomes: The assets should have a positive impact on the real economy and at the same time achieve a market rate of return.
Adopting a long-term perspective and looking at opportunities and risks comprehensively is essential for pension funds. It is precisely this approach that Forma Futura takes in the selection of companies in which we invest pension fund assets. In addition to analysing the financial soundness our analysts also take into account the environmental and social sustainability of each of the companies in which we invest.
Forma Futura is licensed by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA as a manager of of collective assets.
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Sandra Moser
Customer Support
«Work and life are equally important and inseparable. Thus, I attach great importance to doing a job that makes sense. Supporting and implementing Forma Futura’s strategy is my personal concern and pleasure.»