Legal notice
This English translation is provided solely for the convenience of the users of this website. In all cases where there are any differences between the German legal notice and the English translation, the German legal notice has legal precedence and is legally binding.
The website www.formafutura.com is the website of Forma Futura Invest AG, 8002 Zurich. By accessing the website, you declare that you have understood and accept the following legal notice as well as the privacy policy.
Protection of privacy
Protecting your privacy is a major concern of Forma Futura Invest AG. Forma Futura Invest AG and its employees comply with all regulations regarding the processing of personal data as required by the Data Protection Act of Switzerland and applicable banking secrecy rules.
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Access to information on this website may be restricted or forbidden by laws or regulatory rules for certain users. The contents of this site are not intended for persons for whom access is not permitted under the current legal system. Unless otherwise indicated, all services of Forma Futura Invest AG presented on this website are offered only to people who are residents of Switzerland.
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All the information made available to you on the website and digital channels of Forma Futura Invest AG is for informational purposes only, is subject to change at any time without prior notice and does not reflect any individual investment objectives, financial circumstances or needs. This information constitutes neither an advertisement nor a solicitation nor an offer nor an invitation to make an offer nor a recommendation to use a service (such as investment or any other advice) for the purchase or sale of investments instruments or for the conclusion of other legal transactions. It cannot be ruled out that the investment instruments and services described may not be suitable or available to you. Before you decide to take any specific action, you should read the contract terms and the basic legal information carefully and seek advice from qualified professionals.
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The content and information on this website are regularly checked and updated. Despite all due care, no warranty is provided, either expressed or implied, for the accuracy, completeness, and topicality of the information on this website. The same applies to all other websites to which links are provided. Forma Futura has no obligation or duty to update outdated information or statements, or to remove old information or identify it as obsolete.
Forma Futura Invest AG accepts no responsibility, and provides no warranty, that the functions of the Forma Futura Invest AG website will be available or accessible to without error or interruption.
Market trends and historical prices
Recent trends in the value of any investment or portfolio are not indicative of future performance; their value may increase or decrease over time. Additionally, the values of investments in foreign currencies are subject to fluctuations in exchange rates. Distributions associated with an investment instrument may also vary. Forma Futura Invest AG does not guarantee the appreciation or value preservation of any capital that has been invested in an investment vehicle, nor does it guarantee the amount of future distributions.
Forma Futura Invest AG accepts no liability for the content of this website or for the use of the information contained on this website. Please consult your legal advisor with respect to your personal situation. Forma Futura Invest AG is not liable for damages of any kind, including any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages that may arise from the use of information on this website.
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It is possible that Forma Futura Invest AG, its directors, executive officers or employees have invested or will invest in instruments about which the Forma Futura Invest AG website contains information or statements. Moreover, it is possible that directors, executive officers or employees of Forma Futura Invest AG are in business relationships with the companies in question; for example, have worked, are working, or will be working as consultants or as board members. Forma Futura Invest AG has implemented measures to disclose such conflicts of interest and prevent them.
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Subject to change
The information on this website can be changed at any time without notice by Forma Futura Invest AG.
Forma Futura Invest AG reserves the right to change this legal notice from time to time. We therefore ask that you read these conditions each time you access the Forma Futura Invest AG website to make certain that you agree with the current conditions.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
The use of the website of Forma Futura Invest AG as well as the legal notice and the privacy policy are subject to Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Zurich.
© 2015-2022 Forma Futura Invest AG. All rights reserved.